Category Archives: Conservation
From ENSIA — What Works in Conservation – real data instead of sponsor bs or doublespeak
from the on-line environmental magazine ENSIA: * — based on meta-analyses of (mostly) peer-reviewed studies of conservation projects around the world. For example, “What Works in Conservation assessed 38 studies of agricultural lands and found that 32 showed that growing grassy buffer … [Read more]
Plants of Conservation Concern of the United States Virgin Islands
A collaboration among Island Resources Foundation, the Virgin Islands Urban and Community Forestry Council, the VI Department of Agriculture, the US Department of Agriculture, and the US Forest Service has produced an up-to-date version of Plants of Conservation Concern of The United States Virgin Islands, written … [Read more]
Final Report on the Status of BVI Island Environmental Profiles
Here’s are links to to the completed profiles for the four major islands of the BVI archipelago, plus the special islet-specific characterizations for 16 cays around Tortola, and added Technical Papers: Profiles: Anegada Environmental Profile Environmental Profile of the Island of … [Read more]
1990 Video about US Virgin Islands National Park
This link passed on by Kevel Lindsay: St. John Virgin Islands National park : National Park Service : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive St. John Virgin Islands National park by National Park Service Published 1990 Usage Public Domain Topics, National Park … [Read more]
John Mussington of Barbuda Receives Euan McFarlane Environmental Leadership Award for 2014
Island Resources Foundation Announces the 2014 Winner of the Euan McFarlane Award for Environmental Leadership is John Mussington of Barbuda John Mussington, educator, marine biologist, social entrepreneur, and prominent environmental advocate was named today as the 24th annual recipient of … [Read more]
Notice of the Loss of Christopher Howell, Caribbean Environmental Analyst
As Judith Towle began to muster information and experts to write the Tortola Environmental Profile in the British Virgin Islands this past January, we realized that we were missing input from long-time Program Associate and an early (1975) intern for … [Read more]
Patricia Turpin Selected for 2013 Euan P. McFarlane Environmental Leadership Award
On June 19th, 2013, Judith Ann Towle, founding vice president of Island Resources Foundation and chair of the selection committee for the Euan McFarlane Environmental Leadership Award, announced that Ms. Patricia J. Turpin, president of Environment Tobago, would be 2013’s beneficiary of … [Read more]
Large Female Tiger Shark in Anguilla
from The Anguillian TIGER SHARK CAUGHT OFF CAPTAIN’S BAY Published by anguillian on March 22, 2013 [Tiger shark being pulled to shore at Island Harbour bay (picture caption)] It does not happen very often but when it does, it creates … [Read more]
Huffington Post on Lemurs: speech by Russell Mittermeier, pres. Conservation International
Madagascar is one of the world’s most heavily impacted countries in terms of recent habitat destruction, and its globally unique species are sending us an urgent warning. Nearly 90 percent of its natural vegetation has already been lost, and erosion on the island is severe. [Read more]
World Bank Includes Marine Environmental Indicators in annual "Little Green Data Book for 2012"
The marine indicators may make the data from this major annual report more useful to islands. [Read more]
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