Yearly Archives: 2008
GEOSS in the Americas Symposium::
::GEOSS in the Americas Symposium::. [Read more]
Draft Guidelines to Prevent Species from Becoming Threatened or Endangered
The Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) is one of the UNEP administered Regional Seas Programmes. The CEP is managed by and for the countries of the Wider Caribbean Region through the Caribbean Action Plan (1981) outlining regional environmental challenges. [Read more]
When Growth Seems to Work — Foreign Policy
“Seven Questions: How Countries Get Rich“ from Foreign Policy, Posted May 2008 Why do some countries succeed when others struggle? That’s what Nobel laureate A. Michael Spence and the Commission on Growth and Development set out to discover in the… [Read more]
Development on Offshore Cays — a continuing problem
Building Resorts on Offshore Cays Posted by Bruce Potter on May 16, 2008 at 9:50pm Article from the St. Thomas Source CZM Approves Thatch Cay Development by Pamela Reid Bussard May 15, 2008 — In a landmark decision Tuesday evening, the Coastal Zo… [Read more]
"Sandy Cay, Oh Sandy Cay . . . "
The following accounts taken from the press and program documents provide background on the latest phase of Island Resources Foundation’s eight-year engagement with the government and the National Parks Trust of the British Virgin Islands. [Read more]
Programme: Transferal of Sandy Cay
There were many moving tributes and recollections in the course of the transfer ceremony. Highlights included Premier Ralph T. O’Neal’s recollections of the early days of Mr. Rockefeller’s involvement in the BVI, including the fact that Mr. O’Neal worked for the firm that did the survey for the purchase of Sandy Cay from the Smith Brothers. [Read more]
Coastal Caribbean: Isleta, Puerto Rico
Took this picture last week, flying back to San Juan from Tortola. Is this a tourism success, or what? [Read more]
Fair Trade: Greenwashing the Capitalistic Ponzi Scheme?
Can capitalism do sustainable development? OK, let’s ask that question again without the jargon. Can I really help save the planet by buying products from all these big companies “going green” and selling Fairtrade products? [Read more]
Did FAO Get the Fish Catch Results in GoM Wrong?
Reanalysis shows the Gulf of Mexico fishery didn’t collapse after allIn great big letters…Measuring stuff is difficult, as a paper published this week in PNAS makes clear. [Read more]
Human Impacts on Oceans
Human activities have strongly impacted 41% of the world’s oceans and have left only about 4% of their surface area relatively pristine, according to the first-ever global map of human impact upon the oceans. [Read more]
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