Tag Archives: Conservation

Videos and Blogs on KEW GARDEN Projects in the British Virgin Islands

We just uncovered links to the Kew Gardens web and blog sites that provide a lot of new (to us anyway!!) information about the Anegada characterization and census and technical skill training for conservation work in the BVI. [Read more]

Investors Not Accounting for Climate Change Effects

Investment portfolios around the world are filled with “hidden risks” because their managers do not consider climate change when making investment decisions — largely because asset owners aren’t asking them to. [Read more]

Pilkey: Measures Needed to Protect Coasts in Face of Sea Level Rise

An international expert on beach replenishment offered advice for Delaware in the wake of last week’s nor’easter: Renourish the beaches this time to protect residents from the disaster of another storm but take more radical steps to prepare for future disasters. [Read more]

GEOSS in the Americas Symposium::

::GEOSS in the Americas Symposium::. [Read more]

Development on Offshore Cays — a continuing problem

Building Resorts on Offshore Cays Posted by Bruce Potter on May 16, 2008 at 9:50pm Article from the St. Thomas Source CZM Approves Thatch Cay Development by Pamela Reid Bussard May 15, 2008 — In a landmark decision Tuesday evening, the Coastal Zo… [Read more]

Fair Trade: Greenwashing the Capitalistic Ponzi Scheme?

Can capitalism do sustainable development? OK, let’s ask that question again without the jargon. Can I really help save the planet by buying products from all these big companies “going green” and selling Fairtrade products? [Read more]

Did FAO Get the Fish Catch Results in GoM Wrong?

Reanalysis shows the Gulf of Mexico fishery didn’t collapse after allIn great big letters…Measuring stuff is difficult, as a paper published this week in PNAS makes clear. [Read more]

Too Much Useless [Oil] Talk, Not Enough Development

[I’ve been working in overseas development programming since I went to Chile as a Peace Corps Volunteer in 1964. Over the past five years I’ve had conversations along the line of the attached valedictory from a dozen or more committed, experienced… [Read more]

Scientists figure how to measure biodiversity in the most efficient way

[Wonder if this works for the special characteristics (?) of island biodiversity??? bp] from Journal Watch of the Society for Conservation Biology [Read more]

Financial Realities for Caribbean Environmental NGOs in 2007

The high water mark for independent, community-based institutional support for environmental conservation or natural resources management in the wider Caribbean may have occurred a decade or more ago. The sums allotted to conservation were greater… [Read more]