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New Resources on Fisheries Information from CERMES and FAO/Barbados

Posted on July 24, 2018

Inspired by a posting by Iris Monnereau (UNFAO/Barbados) and Georgina Bustamante on the CAMPAM  e-mail list, Hazel Oxenford of CERMES/UWI Cave Hill (Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies) helped me put together these three recent articles or chapters about fisheries issues in the Caribbean (or the “West Central Atlantic).

As Hazel said in her note (my emphasis):

Anyway – Iris Monnereau and I have done a couple of broad scale reviews recently on Climate Change impacts on fish resources and fisheries (not coral reefs directly) for Caribbean SIDS and for the Western Central Atlantic region.

The most recent one, released earlier this month, as a Western Central Atlantic chapter for the FAO book on Climate Change in fisheries, and a couple last year for a much less publicized CRFM/CEFAS science review publication, which did involve delving a little bit into the impact on reefs in the ‘supplementary material’.   I am attaching all three!  Share as you see fit.

Also you might be interested in the complimentary publications in the CEFAS review – there were 12 papers including one specifically on coral reefs – that incidentally was not ready in time for us to see what was written before we submitted ours – since we were all working to the same deadline!  [In addition to the three articles below] These can all be viewed/downloaded from  In case of interest also, the entire FAO book can be viewed/downloaded from,  and the FAO press release read at

Thanks for your interest.

These papers are extensively annotated and have long reference lists including many recent publications.

In the list below, I list the name of the article, followed by a link that will download a .PDF copy of the article itself. These articles average 22 to 25 pages.

“Chapter 9: Climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptations: Western Central Atlantic marine fisheries,” by Hazel A. Oxenford and Iris Monnereau    Oxenford & Monnereau 2018 WCA CC impacts on fisheries Chp 9 FAO

CARIBBEAN MARINE CLIMATE CHANGE REPORT CARD: SCIENCE REVIEW 2017 Science Review 2017: pp 124-154. Impacts of Climate Change on Fisheries in the Coastal and Marine Environments of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) by Iris Monnereau and Hazel A. Oxenford, Monnereau & Oxenford 2017 Impact of CC on Fisheries in Caribbean SIDS

CARIBBEAN MARINE CLIMATE CHANGE REPORT CARD: SCIENCE REVIEW 2017 Science Review 2017: pp 83-114. Impacts of Climate Change on Fish and Shellfish in the Coastal and Marine Environments of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) byHazel A. Oxenford and Iris Monnereau. Oxenford & Monnereau 2017 Impacts of CC on fish and shellfish in Caribbean SIDS


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