Tag Archives: Management

IRF Projects from 1971 to 2014

The long table below displays the 230 projects, worth a total of over $9.1 million in external funding, that Island Resources Foundation has executed since its founding in the early 1970s (incorporated in 1970, operational in 1972, and sunsetted in … [Read more]

When Growth Seems to Work — Foreign Policy

“Seven Questions: How Countries Get Rich“ from Foreign Policy, Posted May 2008 Why do some countries succeed when others struggle? That’s what Nobel laureate A. Michael Spence and the Commission on Growth and Development set out to discover in the… [Read more]

Development on Offshore Cays — a continuing problem

Building Resorts on Offshore Cays Posted by Bruce Potter on May 16, 2008 at 9:50pm Article from the St. Thomas Source CZM Approves Thatch Cay Development by Pamela Reid Bussard May 15, 2008 — In a landmark decision Tuesday evening, the Coastal Zo… [Read more]

Coastal Caribbean: Isleta, Puerto Rico

Took this picture last week, flying back to San Juan from Tortola. Is this a tourism success, or what? [Read more]

Did FAO Get the Fish Catch Results in GoM Wrong?

Reanalysis shows the Gulf of Mexico fishery didn’t collapse after allIn great big letters…Measuring stuff is difficult, as a paper published this week in PNAS makes clear. [Read more]

It's the Coast, Stupid

THE UNIQUE QUALITY of small islands is a high ratio of coastal length to total land area (i.e., lots of coastline for a relatively small area). Coastal environmental processes are absolutely vital to marine ecosystems, and to the protection of ter… [Read more]

Re-Writing History the USGS Way:

USGS, the Hero of Hurricane Katrina … Rita, Dennis and Wilma, too . . . This press release, quoted in its entirety at the bottom of this essay — Couple of dyspeptic thoughts: After the storms, scientists used satellite imagery coupled with geogra… [Read more]

Too Much Useless [Oil] Talk, Not Enough Development

[I’ve been working in overseas development programming since I went to Chile as a Peace Corps Volunteer in 1964. Over the past five years I’ve had conversations along the line of the attached valedictory from a dozen or more committed, experienced… [Read more]

News Flash: Unwise Development Kills

I wonder if there’s any correlation between building in silly, unsafe, environmentally dangerous places, and the frequency that concrete trucks flip over and kill people? Does that suggest there are additional painful consequences of approving unw… [Read more]

Reason #7,234: Why Democracy Never Works

Fisheries ministers of the 27 countries of the European Union had their traditional all-night pre-Christmas bargaining session on Tuesday night to assign catch quotas for the region’s beleaguered fisheries. [Read more]